Offered by: de Winter Physiotherapy
Concussion management is a form of physiotherapy designed to assess and treat new and lingering concussion based symptoms. A thorough history and physical examination will be done in a comprehensive 2 hour appointment. This may include eye tracking ability, elevated heart rate exposure, and much more.
Do I need to be checked by a doctor before having a concussion assessment by a physiotherapist?
No, you do not. Physiotherapists can check for “red flags” and will refer you to the appropriate services if they are concerned. A doctor referral is sometimes needed for insurance purposes, but is not needed to book the appointment.
Why is the assessment so long?
Our concussion assessments are scheduled for 2 hours. This is to ensure that we have time to assess all systems that can be affected by concussions and provide advice/education at the end of the assessment. Concussion assessments can also trigger symptoms - this extended appointment time allows us to take breaks if needed.
What is checked during the appointment?
All appointments are tailored to each client’s needs, but generally: subjective history, neurological screening, balance & proprioception testing, vestibular & visual testing, cervical spine exam and exercise tolerance testing.
Will the assessment worsen my symptoms?
It is very normal to feel worse during and after the initial appointment. This increase in symptoms usually lasts for 12-24 hours. If you are concerned about your symptom load following the appointment we recommended bringing a family member or friend to drive you home. In severe situations - we can split the initial appointment over multiple days to limit symptom increase.
Can a physiotherapist clear me for return to sport?
We can do return to sport testing and make recommendations, but a doctor should give the final clearance for return to sport.